Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why, do you ask?

What gives the universe the right to pull this crap again?
The last time I felt anything like this, that dramatic bitch "the universe" decided to swoop in and literally stop a heartbeat in it's tracks. Before I even got a chance to get into the swing of things..before I could take the first leading step into the waltz my faulty heart began to beat out, the beautiful music we could have made together was silenced before it even began. My prospective partner swept off his feet by The Maker instead of me..Yet again, alone on the dance floor, I was left to hum my own pathetic tune as I shuffled about to the deafening silence. The reoccurring thoughts of; "what if?" and "If only.." haunting my every waking moment. Not even my subconscious was given a moment to recuperate.

"Alas, t'is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."

I would rather do without this incessantly palpating instigator of tragedy that is ever-encased within my chest. What good has it done me so far?

Maybe next time I fall so hard,
I'll just break my neck.

One can only hope, no?

C'est la Vie...

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