Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting a Jump on the Day, I Suppose.

I feel tense.

This strange, incessant tension that I feel throughout my physical body.
Call it anticipation, call it what you will, but
My muscles feel ready to propel me, yet my mind wields no map.
Where is my 'X' to mark the spot?

Maybe something big will happen. Maybe I will be the only one to experience it.
But who's to know for sure.

I've joined a collab channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFlamboyant5
I will be posting on that channel every Tuesday, along with three other people posting every Monday through Friday. We each have a specific day and Wednesdays are some sort of RandomFactWednesday or something, not sure what yet but I'll keep you posted. I feel it will be a major help in my goal-oriented-commitment issues and utter lack of motivation lately. That and the Sun, that should help too.

As I sit here in the relative darkness at 5:32 a.m. I feel the urge to see the sunrise..It seems like it's been forever since I've seen such a beautiful sight. Well..of that nature, at least.

When was the last time you saw the sunrise?

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